The following tabs provide information that we as a school think you may find useful.
If you have any questions regarding any of the information displayed on this page, please contact Colebourne Primary School via the school phone number.

This section contains information and links for:

  • Nursery Admissions
  • Reception Admissions
  • Admissions at any other point
  • Admissions for Secondary Schools
  • Our Nursery is for children who are already 3 and turn 4 during September – August in the year of admission. We are now full for the academic year 2023-2024. Please contact school if you would like to be added to the waiting list.
  • If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021, you are eligible to apply for a Nursery place starting in September 2024.
  • Applications are now open – please read the key information in this section before applying.

Application & Admission Dates

September 2024 Admission Year:

For children born between: 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021 they will be eligible for  admission for September 2024.

Applications are NOT a first come first served; any applications received by the deadline for applications will be considered using the published admissions criteria.

Admissions Timeline – September 2024 Intake

  • Monday 22nd April 2024 – First round Applications close (Any applications received after this will be considered if spaces remain)
  • Friday 3rd May 2024 – Offer emails sent out

It is the responsibility of the applicant to update the school on any changes following the initial application. This is particularly important in relation to siblings, including if a sibling gets offered a place in Reception for the same admission year. If school is not contacted about the sibling status, then the sibling status will not be taken into account and will affect the priority position as per criteria.

If you move address between application and close of applications, you must update school of this change as any offer may be revoked if the change of address would have impacted on the admissions offer.

Offers of Nursery places will be made no sooner than 1 week after the local authority has issued Reception places; this enables parents to contact the school and update the Nursery admissions details.

Each year, there will be opportunities to attend an information meeting and visit the school, or join a virtual meeting.

At the meeting, you can hear about the Colebourne Nursery and the school as a whole. The meetings will usually be led by the Headteacher and members of the Nursery Team. There will also be plenty of opportunities to ask any questions and discuss admissions arrangements.

Details of admissions criteria and charges can be found by  clicking here. Please note these are subject to change for the coming admissions year.

Parent Meetings

The meetings for September 2024 intake are:

  • Wednesday 24th January 2024, 9.15am​
  • Wednesday 13th March 2024, 2pm

If you would like to book onto one of these meetings, please complete a short online form or ring the school office:  Booking form

A copy of the presentation for September 2024 admissions can be downloaded from our  Nursery admissions files area.

Nursery Information

Colebourne Primary School Nursery operates as part of Colebourne Primary School. The Colebourne nursery had its first intake in September 2019 in its newly created nursery space situated next to the Reception classes. This forms a complete Colebourne Early Years block.

Within the block is:

  • Large dedicated Nursery room
  • Dedicated Nursery toilets
  • Dedicated Nursery outside play area
  • Well-being chill-out / sensory space – shared resource with Reception
  • Literacy zone and library room – shared resource with Reception
  • Refurbished kitchen space for putting those biscuits and cakes in the oven!

Application Options

We have a number of different options you can apply for:

  • Morning sessions (am) – funded through the universal 15hr childcare offer (additional top-up hours may be available)
  • Afternoon sessions – funded through the universal 15hr childcare offer (additional top-up hours may be available)
  • 30hr provision – funded or charged (please note the 30 hrs provision is Monday to Thursday 8.40am-3.15pm and Friday 8.40am – 12.20pm; additional hours, including Friday afternoon are available- charges apply).

You may be eligible for the 30 hr provision to be FUNDED. Please see: for details and to check eligibility. You may wish to do this before completing this form. If you are not eligible for FUNDED 30 hour provision you are able to pay a TOP UP for the additional hours needed .

  • For the Morning and Afternoon (30hrs) – FUNDED : Additional charges will apply for school meals, if required.
  • For the Morning and Afternoon (30hrs) – TOP UP: Additional charges will apply to cover the additional 15hours and school meals, if required.

Applications open at the start of October for primary school applications for entry in September 2024. The closing date is usually mid January. The exact details are published on the Birmingham City Council admissions pages:

You must apply on time. If you apply late, you are less likely to get offered a place at any of your preferred schools. Applications received after the closing date will be classed as late applications and will not be processed until after the offer of places which usually take place in mid April

If you would like your child to get a place in our reception, you need to make an application directly to the local authority where you live – for most people this will be Birmingham.

Parents can apply for a place in the Autumn of the year before their child turns 4 years of age. It is important that you apply for a place as soon as possible:

  • attendance at a nursery class does not give a child automatic priority for a place
  • do not wait until your child is 5 years old, or your preferred school may already be full

You can list up to 3 preferred schools when you apply.

Visit for more details.

If you miss the deadline, you can contact the local authority to submit a late application. From the September when children have started, applications can be made directly to the school and children will be added to our waiting list (see ‘Admissions at any other time for a place at Colebourne’ section).

Each year, there are opportunities to attend an information meeting and visit the school, or join a virtual meeting. These meetings usually take take place in November and Early January. At the meeting, you can hear about the Colebourne Reception and the school as a whole. The meetings will usually be led by the Headteacher and members of the Reception Team. There are plenty of opportunities to ask any questions and discuss admissions arrangements.

The meetings for September 2024 intake are:

  • Wednesday 29th November 2023, 4.45pm​
  • Tuesday 5th December 2023, 9.30am​
  • Tuesday 9th January 2024, 9.30am

If you would like to book onto one of these meetings, please complete a short online form or ring the school office:  Booking form

The presentation from these meetings can be downloaded here:

If you would like a place for your child at Colebourne please call into the office to collect an application form.

It is vital that you understand the admissions arrangements for applying for secondary school. The deadline to apply is usually at the end of October of the year your child is in year 6 – but you need to be exploring what school you may wish to choose while your child is in year 5 as many of the open days happen in June/ July and then in the September. We would recommend visiting all the schools in the local area to get a first hand view of these schools. If you are considering applying for a Grammar School you need to be aware of the specific admission procedure so visit there websites or the  Birmingham Local Authority School Admissions Page.

Some schools require a direct application to the school which is often before the final deadline at the end of October. Make sure you find out what each school requires by reading information on their school websites; this should be done while the children are in Year 5.

If you need any help or advice – please get in touch and we can help out!

Our main local secondary schools:

Colebourne Primary School – Diary Dates

The following dates are the full Birmingham Term dates – please see the school newsletters for up to date information.

Please remember, holidays in term time are not permitted.

Please note: Teacher training days will be advised via the school newsletter if not already stated.

School Year 2023 to 2024

Staff Training Days:

  • Monday 4th September 2023
  • Friday 22nd December 2023
  • Friday 3rd May 2024
  • Friday 19th July 2024
  • Monday 22nd July 2024

Other key dates that affect school:

  • Thursday 2nd May 2024 – Voting Day

Autumn Term 2023

Term Starts: Monday 4 September 2023
Half Term: Monday 30 October 2023 to Friday 3 November 2023
Term Ends: Friday 22 December 2023

Spring Term 2024

Term Starts: Monday 8 January 2024
Half Term: Monday 12 February 2024 to Friday 16 February 2024
Term Ends: Friday 22 March 2024

Summer Term 2024

Term Starts: Monday 8 April 2024
Half Term: Monday 27 May 2024 to Friday 31 May 2024
Term Ends: Monday 22 July 2024

School Year 2024 to 2025

Staff Training Days:

  • tbc

Autumn Term 2024

Term Starts: Monday 2 September 2024
Half-term: Monday 28 October 2024 to Friday 1 November 2024
Term ends: Friday 20 December 2024

Spring Term 2025

Term Starts: Monday 6 January 2025
Half-term: Monday 17 February 2025 to Friday 21 February 2025
Term ends: Friday 11 April 2025

Summer Term 2025

Term Starts: Monday 28 April 2025
Half-term: Monday 26 May 2025 to Friday 30 May 2025
Term ends: Monday 21 July 2025

E-Safety Information at Colebourne

At Colebourne we aim to prepare young people for the digital world that they are being immersed into every day. It is important that they are educated and given the tools that are needed for them to be more resilient online and allow them to become constructive and self-aware members of the online world. We deliver this through a robust computing curriculum that draws attention to online safety throughout their life at Colebourne.

To compliment this we also have termly focus days and activities to raise awareness of Online Safety within school, Parent Workshops to share knowledge and awareness with the parents in our school community and a comprehensive monitoring system within the school which logs all of the online activity in school and allows us to ensure the safety of children and staff. Finally, all staff complete a yearly training course focused on online safety and the dangers that the children may face so that they can share their knowledge and experience.

Here is some information that has been shared with parents in our most recent workshops to help keep your children safe online:

  • Know what your children are doing online and who they are talking to. Ask them to teach you to use any applications you have never used. Keeping the computer in a family room means that you can share your child’s online experience – and that they are less likely to act inappropriately (i.e. via webcam).

  • Help your children to understand that they should never give out personal details to online friends — personal information includes their messenger ID, email address, mobile number and any pictures of themselves, their family or friends. If your child publishes a picture or video online, anyone can change it or share it. Remind them that anyone may be looking at their images and one day a future employer could! If your child receives spam/junk email & texts, remind them never to believe them, reply to them or use them.

  • It’s not a good idea for your child to open files that are from people they don’t know. They won’t know what they contain — it could be a virus, or worse — an inappropriate image or film. Help your child to understand that some people lie online and therefore it’s better to keep online mates online. They should never meet up with any strangers without an adult they trust.

  • Always keep communication open for a child to know that it’s never too late to tell someone if something makes them feel uncomfortable. Teach young people how to block someone online and how to report them if they feel uncomfortable.

Top E-Safety Tips!

  • Help your children to understand that they should never give out personal details to online friends they do not know offline.

  • Explain to your children what information about them is personal: i.e. email address, mobile number, school name, sports club, arrangements for meeting up with friends and any pictures or videos of themselves, their family or friends. Small pieces of information can easily be pieced together to form a comprehensive insight in to their lives and daily activities.

  • Make your children aware that they need to think carefully about the information and pictures they post on their profiles. Inform them that once published online, anyone can change or share these images of them.

  • It can be easy to forget that the internet is not a private space, and as result sometimes young people engage in risky behaviour online. Advise your children not to post any pictures, videos or information on their profiles, or in chat rooms, that they would not want a parent or carer to see.

  • If your child receives spam or junk email and texts, remind them never to believe their contents, reply to them or use them.

  • It’s not a good idea for your child to open files that are from people they don’t know. They won’t know what they contain—it could be a virus, or worse – an inappropriate image or film.

  • Help your child to understand that some people lie online and that therefore it’s better to keep online mates online. They should never meet up with any strangers without an adult they trust.

  • Always keep communication open for a child to know that it’s never too late to tell someone if something makes them feel uncomfortable.

We offer a range of extra curricular clubs across the school year. We encourage all children to take part in clubs and take regular feedback from parents and children about the clubs we have on offer.

An example of clubs that have run this academic year are:

  • Cricket

  • Boys Football

  • Girls Football

  • Dance

  • Gymnastics
  • Computer Coding

  • Physical Coding

  • Book Club

  • Basketball

  • Hockey

Details of our After School Club offer can be found on Class Dojo in a half termly letter to parents.

At Colebourne we have staff that are able to support families in a range of situations. This can be from advice regarding your children’s medical, social and emotional needs, disabilities through to support for finances, home relationships including domestic violence.

We have a range of organisations that we work with to support families and are often able to signpost families to organistaions.

If you would like support, please ring the office and ask for our family support team or email school directly.

One such local organsiation is the Family Hubs – they provide a range of courses and support to the families in Hodge Hill.

You can download their newsletters here which outline some of the things they can offer and contact details:  Family Hubs

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Home Learning Information

We believe that children learn best when parents, the school and children work together in partnership and where a love of learning is fostered.
We also recognise and encourage children to take part in a range of after school activities and explore their own interests.

Since March 2020, home learning and homework has taken on a whole new meaning and we have adapted our approaches to meet this changing situation. We have invested in new technologies and platforms to enable children to access direct new learning, retrieval and fluency task.

If you have any questions or would like information or help in supporting you child’s learning at home, please get in touch.

Core Home Learning

  • Reading: You should aim to read with/allow your child to read for at least 10 minutes a day. Try to make reading part of everyday life – reading signs, menus, recipes etc.

  • Spelling: This is taught in class; staff may send specific work if your child would benefit from this; spelling information will be post on Class Dojo regularly.

  • Fact Fluency: Times tables, number bonds: Regular practice as part of everyday activities. E.g. Stick post-it notes around the house with key facts – e.g. 6 + 4 =10, 3 x 5 = 15.

  • Theme home learning: There will be learning ideas provided for each themes; children who bring in work will be able to share their work.

  • Other homework: From time-to-time, additional homework/ tasks will be sent home relating to an aspect of work your child is doing. E.g. research or to bring something in or to complete some pre-reading.

  • For additional home learning – the Oak National academy has lessons and work for every subject for every year group.

Theme Home Learning

Each theme the children learn about has a home learning sheet to go alongside this. We encourage children to look through this with their parents and complete some or all of the activities which typically cover maths, English, arts and craft, history and geography and other research based learning opportunities.

Children who wish to take their learning further can also complete one of the Pupil Expert projects.

You can download the homework sheets by clicking here, visiting your year group, and selecting ‘Home Learning Grids”.

Our School Values

In addition to our School Vision, we have our School Values.

The Colebourne values underpin our approach. Children are encouraged and supported to show these values in all aspects of school life and in the wider society.

They express key values that we all can strive to achieve in our lives.

These values are displayed around the school and are referred to in lessons, assemblies and newsletters in order for children to develop an understanding not only of what each word means but how these can be demonstrated in school and as part of their wider lives.

We encourage parents to talk to their children about these words and explore: What do the word means? What actions enable them to show this value? Which values are really strong in their own family and between members of their family?

We aim to identify and recognise these values in our children and celebrate these through direct feedback to the children and through achievement and celebration assemblies.

Our School Vision

After discussion with children, parents, staff and governors about the direction of the school and the areas that we value as a community school we developed the following vision statement. We also developed a  pupil guarantee to ensure that children understood what this vision meant for them in a more meaningful and specific way. We also have the  “50 Things” experiences that we guarantee the children have the opportunity to complete during their time at Colebourne.

As we work very closely with Beaufort School we have the same tag line:

“Working together to achieve success for all”.

This tag line reflects the opportunities we have to work together in many ways: As two schools working together; pupils working together with other pupils; staff working with other staff, pupils, parents and the community and all other combinations. It shows our commitment as a school in working together. The success element spans all elements of success – whether this be academic, social or emotional or sporting to name just a few. It also shows that as a school we look at success in a holistic way with a focus on the journey for every child, every staff member, and every family.

More specifically as an individual school we have the overall aim of:

“We value each individual child and work with parents, the community and beyond to offer diverse experiences and support for pupils and families in a caring and safe environment. We develop children to be confident, life-long learners and compassionate, respectful members of their community and the world.”

From this, we identified five areas that will help guide the way the school operates and provides its services:

We work in partnership with our school community

  • Actively involve families in the life of the school
  • Provide access to a range of support and services
  • Communicate in a variety of ways
  • Take an active role in making a positive difference in our local community

We foster and develop life-long learning

  • Use evidence based approaches for effective provision
  • Promote positive learning behaviours and values
  • Effectively use ongoing support and progress checks to enable children to achieve
  • Continually develop highly skilled and reflective practitioners at all levels
  • Share and utilise expertise

We effectively meet the individual needs of all of our pupils and families

  • Ensure that all of our pupils can access all aspects of school life
  • Ensure the early identification and assessment of needs
  • Provide relevant resources to meet needs
  • Offer a variety of support for families

We support all children, families and staff to have a healthy mind and body

  • Develop children’s and families’ understanding through the school curriculum
  • Develop emotional resilience
  • Provide early and intensive packages of support to meet a variety of needs
  • Offer access to a range of professionals
  • Provide opportunities to experience outdoor learning

We develop well rounded individuals by providing a range of diverse learning opportunities and experiences

  • Develop core skills and attitudes needed for life now and in the future
  • Enable children to become numerate, literate and communicate effectively
  • Foster and support talents and interests
  • Broaden learning through links with businesses, charities and other educational establishments
  • Provide all children with a range of wider learning opportunities

Please use the below form to report a child’s absence. Please give as much detail. If you are completing this after 9.30am, please also ring the school office.

Information Regarding School Attendance

At Colebourne Primary School we have very high expectations of attendance and punctuality. There is a strong correlation between good attendance and strong outcomes for students which, in turn, provides them with more options for their future.

Please see the letter at the bottom of this page from the headteacher regarding attendance expectations at Colebourne. Our current Pupil Attendance and Punctuality Policy can be found on the policies page of our website.

Meet the Attendance Team

Sue Smart – Assistant Head Teacher, DSL
Lea MacAllister – Senior Learning Mentor, Attendance Lead

School Attendance Q&A:

How can parents support regular school attendance?
  • Making sure their child leaves for school with plenty of time to arrive on time.
  • Contacting the school to discuss any concerns regarding their child’s attendance.
  • Working in partnership with the school to resolve any issues that are impacting on their child’s attendance.
  • Making any medical appointments outside of school hours whenever possible.
  • Not taking children out of school for holidays in term time or for other unnecessary absences.
What time do I have to get my child to school for?

It is important that students are punctual so that they do not miss out on the beginning of each school day. Students must attend registration (be in class) on time (by 8.50am). Arrival after the start of morning registration but before the close will be recorded as late. Where a student arrives after the register closes it will be recorded as unauthorised absence.

What do I do if my child is not going to be in school?

Parents can report their child’s absence by completing the online absence reporting form below. Absences should be reported by 8.30 am.

What do I do if my child has a medical appointment during the school day?

If a student needs to attend a medical appointment or requires a leave of absence for any other reason a letter and appointment slip/letter must be brought in from home. The letter should be taken to the Main office. Parents should not come to collect a child during the school day without prior authorisation.

Before leaving the school the parent should sign the child out at the main office and let staff know if they will be returning and at what time. On returning to the School the parent should bring the student to the main office where they will be signed in before returning to lessons.

How do I request leave or absence for a family holiday?

Family holidays should be taken during the School holiday period. Leave will not be granted for family holidays, unless under exceptional circumstances.

Requests for leave of absence for family holiday should be made using the official leave of absence request form which you can collected from the main office. Parents should not book holidays before discussing this with school.

Spotlight on Attendance – A very important message for all parents

Dear Mums and Dads,

This year, we will be continuing to work in partnership with parents to improve school attendance. We would like to thank the many parents who make sure their children attend school regularly.

It is a parent’s legal responsibility to ensure their children receive appropriate education. Failing to send your child to school regularly without good reason is a criminal offence.

Absence disrupts the education of the individual pupil and the whole class. Persistent and regular absences can lead to a number of issues and difficulties arising. If your child does not attend school on a regular basis this may affect their progress, their assessment results and their ability to maintain secure friendship groups.

Absence can only be authorised by the Head Teacher, within the boundaries set by the Education (Pupil Registrations) (England) Regulations 2006.

Please remember that parental illness, going shopping, visiting family, truancy, not wanting to go to school, alleged bullying (speak to school immediately to resolve the issue) are not acceptable reasons to be absent. All of these will be recorded as unauthorised absence, including if your child arrives at school after the close of registration. Leave in term time will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances.

Legal action that may be taken include:

• Issuing penalty notices: Each parent receives a penalty notice for each child who has unauthorised absence. The penalty is £60 or £120 depending on how soon payment is made. So, if there are two parents and two children the total penalties could be up to £480. Failure to pay may result in prosecution.

• Taking parents to court for unauthorised absence: Education Act 1996 Section 444(1) – court can fine each parent up to £1000 per child, order payment of prosecution costs and/or impose a Parenting Order.

• Taking parents to court for persistent unauthorised absence: Education Act 1996 Section 444(1A) – court can fine each parent up to £2,500 per child, order payment of the prosecution costs, impose a Parenting Order and/or sentence you to a period of imprisonment of up to 3 months.

Being taken to court could result in you having a criminal record.

If your child’s level of absence is of serious concern you will receive another letter advising you about improving attendance. After this, any further unauthorised absence may result in the school and the Local Authority taking legal action.

We will improve attendance by making it clear within the school and local community that unauthorised absence is not acceptable. Parents will be informed at all times regarding this process through regular letters and meetings if needed. If attendance does not improve, despite this support, further action will be necessary. Parents will then be informed of the number of penalty notices issued, prosecutions and the level of fines.
Again, we would like to thank those parents who make sure their child is attending school regularly and are therefore benefiting fully from their educational opportunity.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Stuart Guest
Head Teacher

School Meal Information

We keenly promote our school meals which are nutritionally balanced. Children have a choice of hot home-cooked style meals. There always a choice of main dish, potatoes and vegetables. Halal and vegetarian options are always available. In addition children have access to a salad daily. We also have special ‘Theme Days’ where any child can pay for and enjoy a special theme dinner, e.g. Italian Day. Children can take part in any or all of these. We cater for a range of dietary requirements and work to create additional choices to ensure children who require a vegetarian, vegan, gluten free or allergy diets.

Children wanting a school meal should pay for this using the online payment service.

All children in Reception and Key Stage 1 are entitled to a free school meal. Parents who are in receipt of Income Support and Child Tax Credit qualify for free school meals for their Key Stage 2 children. Application forms can be obtained from the School Office. We do not allow children to bring fizzy drinks or any items in glass containers.

We are also a NUT FREE school and ask that any food containing nuts is not sent into school. We also ask that you provide a container that will keep items secure during the school day and will store empty and used wrappers etc.

The school menus are subject to change so if you have any specific requirements, please get in touch.

The menus can be downloaded here:

A bank of school policies can be found at the link below. If you require paper copies, please contact the school office.

The Governors and staff would like our children to wear our uniform.


At Colebourne, we recognise how expensive uniform can be. We do not insist on branded uniform; plain supermarket uniform is fine. If you are struggling to provide uniform, please get in touch as we are able to offer support. Correct uniform is required by all children.


Colebourne Uniform consists of:

  • Navy sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan
  • Grey skirt or trousers/shorts
  • Blue gingham summer dress/ grey pinafore dress
  • White polo t-shirt (or shirt)
  • Black sensible school shoes (NO trainers)
  • Plain socks or tights (navy, grey, black, white)
  • Headscarf if worn (black or navy)


Sensible black shoes (not trainers); no open toed or strappy shoes/sandals
PE days: Trainers / Pumps

There is no specific Summer / Winter uniform; uniform choices from the above list should reflect the current weather circumstances.

PE Kit

Children should wear:

  • Plain Black jogging trousers or black shorts
  • PE T-shirt in house colour (plain house colour or with school badge)
  • Plain black sweatshirts / hoodies may be worn in colder weather
  • Bare feet for Dance and Gym
  • Trainers/pumps for Games

For indoor PE: Black shorts, leggings or gym skirt T-shirt in house colours Pumps (Games) or Trainers (Games)

For outdoor PE: as above plus…

  • Plain black sweatshirts / hoodies may be worn in colder weather

PE kit is part of school uniform. Items such as pattern leggings/ joggers, football shirts are not permitted.

Children will take part in Dance and Gym activities with bare feet.

No jewellery may be worn during PE lessons. Children wearing earrings should be able to remove them themselves. We suggest that earrings are not worn at all on PE days.
We strongly urge parents who wish to have their children’s ears pierced to do so at the start of the summer holidays so there will be no disruption to the children’s education.


The only jewellery allowed in school is a wristwatch, although we cannot be responsible for its safety. Rings and other jewellery can cause serious injury and are not allowed in school. If your child has their ears pierced, then small studs are all that is permitted for school.

All clothing must be named. This means articles can be returned to the right children as quickly as possible. Please help us by encouraging your child to take responsibility for their belongings.

Lost property can be checked at the beginning or end of each day. Lost property is usually also put out at the end of terms for people to check for their belongings.

At Colebourne, we provide a range of support for children with additional needs. We ensure that we develop a good understanding of the children’s individual needs and put in places provision which will help them thrive.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) is a complex area as there are many specific needs that children may have and a range of different support that we offer. Therefore, we have produced are range of information to help parents understand what we can provide for children with additional needs. This information can be found here:  Additional Needs Parent Information Area

If you have any questions, please contact our Inclusion Leader, Mrs. Sue Smart on 0121 675 8500 option 1 or email

The Birmingham Local Offer is available on the Local Authority website. 

Here you will find help, advice and information about the services available for your child or young person from birth to 25 years with a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND).

To visit this website, please click here.

Governing Body Role in SEND

The law requires governing boards to use their ‘best endeavors’ (do everything they can) to ensure that pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) get the support they need.

Statutory guidance, the SEND code of practice, is clear that boards should appoint a link governor/trustee (or a sub-committee) to lead on the board’s monitoring of support for pupils with SEND. However, the board itself retains collective responsibility.

At Colebourne, the current SEND link Governor is Mrs. Chaudhry. Our SEND link governor work closely with the special educational needs coordinator (SENCO) in understanding the needs and provision we have. This important role means acting as the governing board’s SEND specialist and championing the needs of pupils with SEND at board level.

Our role description covers the purpose of the SEND link governor role and duties that include:

  • working with the SENCO
  • understanding and monitoring effective SEND practice
  • supporting the governing board to monitor SEND provision

The school day runs from 8.40am – 3.15pm (3.10pm for reception)

On Fridays we close at 12.30pm (12.25pm for reception) and offer a Friday afternoon provision for those who need it.

The total school hours for the week is: 30hrs 10 minutes (29hrs 50 minutes) for Reception)

These hours are currently under review as part of the governing body strategic financial plan.

We also operate a full wrap around service:

Breakfast Club: Monday to Friday – 7.45am-8.40am

Funtime Club: Monday to Friday 3.10pm/3.15pm – 5.30pm Monday to Thursday, and until 4pm on a Friday.

After school clubs: We run a full programme of extra-curricular activities; we aim to have at least 2 opportunities per week for children to attend these. Clubs include sports, arts and crafts, science, music and more.

Breakfast Club

At Colebourne, we have a breakfast club that runs from 7.45am. This is run by Colebourne staff and provides a great start to the day for our children.

Children can come via the pedestrian entrance and go into the main hall to enjoy a healthy breakfast and take part in activities. Children need to arrive before 8.35am to go into breakfast club.

Charges are: £2 per day (from 8am) or £2.50 per day for Early Bird (from 7.45am)

Early bird children are permitted to be dropped off at the hall doors via the car park entrance.

Please contact the school office if you would like any further information about breakfast club.

 Fun Time Club

Our After School Provision is called Fun Time Club. At Colebourne we believe in offering quality extended opportunities for our children.

Our charges are as follows:

3.10pm – 3.45pm (£2.50 per child/day)
3.10pm – 4.30pm (£6.00 per child/day)
3.10pm – 5.30pm (£11.00 per child/day)

Please note Fun Time club shuts at 4pm on Fridays. Fridays are charges at £3.50 per child.

 What Happens at Club

There are 2 main types of activities available at After School Club. These are free choice activities which include painting, craftwork, board games, construction games, mini snooker and outdoor activities when the weather is fine. There is also a quiet area for children who wish to read or complete homework or individual project work. The second types of activities are the focussed activities for children to take part in. These happen everyday and may include, ICT, Craft, Cooking or sport. These activities are staff led and are focussed on fun and new experiences and learning for children.

Drinks and a snack are included for all children attending the After School Club.

Club is led by experienced and qualified staff

After School Club is pre-book only. However, if there are spaces we do have the capacity for children to drop in (with notice).

Contact Numbers for Colebourne After School Club:

Colebourne Primary School (During school hours) – 0121 675-8500 option 1

After School Club Hours – mobile: 07840 211 837